Month: October 2020

  • Everyday Constraints Made Beautiful

    @aaraalto posed the question well, “How can I make my constraints beautiful?” When I first read that, I saw that he was not just referring to constraints in the context of his design work, he was translating that question from his design work into a question of everyday life. I believe there are a variety […]

  • Unlimited Creativity

    When I think of the behavioral change I am asking of myself, it’s clearly unfeasible without systems and methods of trying (and refining) various designs of those systems. Everyone has the experience of having a goal that didn’t gain traction. Sometimes, we might say that the goal wasn’t well-enough defined, and that’s the cause for […]

  • What freedoms do we afford?

    There is a multiplicity of importances in daily life. A young son may find it important to lunch, because his stomach is growling and he might not be able to help but focus his attention there, because his physiology practically demands it, much like his father has experienced in the past; and yet for his […]